My fiancĂ© and I used the program and our energy level was boosted IMMEDIATELY! It was a very pleasant experience. I expected bloating, gas and diarrhea, but instead we experienced pleasant bowel movements. Thank you for your product. We will definitely use it again in our future!" Nicole – Santa Barbara, CA
How romantic-she and her fiance butt flushed together! I think the bible frowns upon "pre-marital colon cleansing! I don't even want to hear the details of their "pleasant bowel movements!" "We will definitely use it again"-when? On your honeymoon? yuk
"It has changed my lifestyle for the better. I have lost 8 pounds and have more energy. It is a great product. There are many colon cleansing products on the market, but for me this is the best. Thank you Colopure!” Nick – Phoenix, AZ
He lost 8 pounds of WHAT? Did he have a side of beef stashed in his colon? This guy looks like he's sampled alot of colon cleansing products.
After the first week of using this product, my stomach got flatter, my energy increased, and I didn't have to pray everyday for what most people take for granted...Thank you so much!" Brent – Boston, MN
He was praying for something that a colon cleanser could offer?!
I'm laughing so hard my husband just asked me what was going on.
"Pleasant bowel movements"......
Confucius say: Da couple dat flushes togeder stay togeder.
(apparently I'm not done yet ...no pun intended)...
This gives all new meaning to your "insightful and stimulating comments" caption.
Look at us discussing bowels on Friday night. How our lives have changed..... ;-)
Don't knock it 'til you try it! A friend of mine says it is very "cleansing" to your body and energy. Her and her husband do it once a year. No I do not visit them at this time!Pee..ew!
Holy Crap that is gross!!!
I don't think this is as bad as the 10 spam messages I get a day asking me if I want a larger penis!
I think my boyfriend is concerned over my random outburst of laughter at the computer!!
You had me at "How in tarnation did I get on a mailing list for a butt flush?!"
(STILL LOL-ing!!)
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