Another season of Real Housewives bites the dust. My gut tells me this was probably the last! I think I would have been more interested in seeing all the housewives without makeup than seeing George and Lauri's wedding, but since that's never going to happen, I'll move on to my recap.
Let's start with Quinn and Billy. That whole "Roxie" thing was so ridiculous. Throwing on a blonde wig and making small talk is not going to spice things up Quinn! No wonder they broke up! I don't blame him for bailing. All they ever talked about was their "relationship!" BORING! He tried to steer the conversation onto another topic, but she seemed incapable of doing anything other than harp on all their problems.
Lauri and George's wedding...gorgeous! It looked like a glorious day. I love the green bridesmaids dresses, I've never seen anything like them! It's amazing what $300,000 will buy!
I feel for Josh. Lauri seems pretty dead set on making everything in her life "perfect." When I look at what she's done to her face and breasts, the way she wears her makeup, I see issues. Even though she has a nice personality-the amount of plastic surgery she's had sends up warning flags for me. I hope he can stop doing drugs. I'm sure he had a tumultuous childhood, but now he needs to accept help and clean up his act.
Jeana's BBQ at the end was interesting. As usual I enjoyed watching Jeana gunning for Don-looks like Quinn wants to get in on the action too!
The cameo by Jo might be foreshadowing a little Jo De La Rosa reality show...I guess we'll all have to wait with baited breath.
March 4th we get a peek into the lives of some "Real Housewives of New York City!" Lots of fur coats, I hope they're faux, or PETA might be paying them a visit!

In the meantime, if you're interested in purchasing some of the happenin' fashions sported by the O.C. ladies you can go on Bravo's website. I've got my eye on this fetching Black Snake Medallion Top. I will look sooo hot at 7-11! :)
I'll miss Quinn's foot long cleavage. Not. The trailers for the NY one looks crazy, "it's a disservice to your kids if they don't know 3 languages by the time they are 5." My kids are so SOL.
I'm not gonna lie. Lauri's face is terrifying me.
I don't follow this show...it bugs the crap outta me.
But...your comment about getting to see them without all the makeup...So. Friggin'. Funny.
And so totally true!
I have only recently started watching this and became hooked. I watched the finale the other night. Lauri's makeup is sooo weird like you said. And they all bug me when someone tried to hug/kiss them and they act like they are annoyed b/c they don't want to mess up their makeup!
Honey, you do NOT want to see those women without makeup. Espcially Lauri! I think she might even be a man!
Okay, I don't watch this show either, but that woman in the first picture is sccccary. That's some serious cosmetic surgery or botox there and it looks terrible. Ugh.
omg...you kill me!!! nothing like getting all primped to pay a visit to the slurpee machine!!
i don't watch the show, but i saw the ads for the nyc one and i might have to watch that one. the one woman they showed was a contestant on the martha stewart apprentice show. nice....she puts herself on 2 reality shows....
Quinn is a nut. I am sure she is nice lady, but goodness, the way the portrayed her is bad, bad. I can not wait for the NYC edition.
I just couldn't get into this season for some reason. Maybe it was the lack of Jo, Slade and Josh. : (
Speaking of Josh, did they say if he's still living with George's ex-wife? Maybe they need to do a reality show about that?
I finally watched it last night. I felt so sad watching Josh twitch in withdrawal as Lauri lived out her made up fantasy life. That kid is in so much pain, I want to hold him while he lays in the fetal position.
Thanks for stopping by! :)
I can't seem to get enough of this tacky show. Been watching it since day one. I too loved the green BM dresses, very cute!
Can't wait for the NY girls, looks entertaining! :)
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