

Are you diggin' my new look? I sure am! Thanks so much to Courtney from Judith Shakespeare design for the completely cool new template for Caffeine Court!

I asked for something simple and fun and boy did she deliver! If you want a new look for your blog that won't cost you an arm and a leg-click on the link and let Courtney work her magic for you!

Footnote: My husband and I were just chatting about my redesign. I feel like I've changed my "blog persona" it's a little shocking to sign on and see a whole new look! I feel like I got an "Extreme Makeover!"


LunaNik said...

Oooooooooo, I LOVE it!!!!!!!

So funky and retro yet new all at the same time!!!

The Wife said...

I really like it!

Alexis Black said...

Lookin' good in the neighborhood! Totally want one...oh wait, that would mean I actually need to keep up on my blogging. Oh well.

OHmommy said...

VERY cute and sassy. I like!!!

Amy said...

Judith Rocks!
I found you though Weekend Blog Hoppers,

Sarah said...

Love the new do!

Melly said...

The design is perfect for you. Love it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like! I've been toying with messing with mine myself, but finding the time to actually do it....it just isn't there. Maybe I'll look her up!

linda said...

Wow, it looks great!

The 5 Bickies said...

Oooooo, Aaaaah. It's fabulous!
She did a great job.

suchsimplepleasures said...

it's gorgeous!!! really, really gorgeous!!!
it's so...you!!
enjoy your new look!

lattemommy said...

Fab new look! Isn't a makeover fun?

Honeybell said...

Looks great! Very much dig the new look.

Tara R. said...

Love the new look, just love it!

Etcetera - blog hopper

Amy said...

So fun! Courtney did my makeover too, love her!! Sad to say I know nothing about tennis, but I want to learn. And I want to wear a cute tennis skirt...

The Bombed Mom
blog hoppin'

Anonymous said...

Judith is just THE BEST!!! Congrats!!

Blog hoppin!!

Sarabeth said...

Really lovely, but I didn't see the first one.

Blog hopping--HP

info@thebabymarketplace.com said...

It looks great :)


Maureen said...

Wow, excellent look... love it!

Blog Hopper

Momisodes said...

Woohoo! Love the new look :) congrats...and kudos to Courtney!!

Paula@SweetPea said...

Love your new look!

Kate said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Just dropping by while making my rounds.. Hope you have a great weekend !!

Kim said...


Avery Gray said...

I love it! Nice and clean, but with lots of of personality. Very cool!

Golly, I wish I could do stuff like that!

Mr Lady said...

Judith rocks, does she not? GREAT layout!

Hip to the hop & you don't stop.....

MarĂ­a said...


PaperCourt said...

It's awesome!

Candace said...

love it! look at you rockin' the comments too!
rock on mama!

Website Content and Copy: Caffeine Court, 2007-8.|Blog Design by JudithShakes Designs.