Things can get a little tense around my house-(my housekeeping skills-money) So what did I do? I went to Barnes and Noble and SPENT MONEY (bad girl!) on this 8-CD set:
Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life
By the way-I know I should have borrowed it from the library and that if I stopped making purchases like this every week I could save $2,010.84 per year. GOT IT.
It's quite soothing. (So much so-that I fear I may fall asleep at the wheel.) The good news is that since I'm very rarely alone in the car-I'm kept awake by my children's very loud requests for me to turn off Wayne and put on the Hannah Montana Soundtrack.
On the rare occasions that I am alone-I'm like the friggin' Dalai Lama of Central Jersey. A regular Zen Master Flash. I aspire to such an enlightened state of being. (Until someone cuts me off in traffic-which sends me right back into my Tony Soprano persona.)
But seriously-I am trying to live a life that is balanced, moral, spiritual, and always concerned with working for the good. Not always an easy thing to do. If I can "Do the Tao" every day-maybe I will chill a little-and make my little corner of the 'burbs a paradise of peace and tranquility.

No that's not me- that's a mom who has achieved the state of well being I strive for. (either that or she's been smoking some really good ganja!)
Oh, come on now, admit it, that's you in the picture.... ;-)
Maybe you could just do what George Constanza's dad did and chant "Serenity Now!"... ha ha
By the way, I voted in the poll, but I really can't say which I like better, TJ's or Marshalls. I've found incredible stuff in both. (probably b/c they're owned by the same people)...
I found the Vineyard Vines stuff that everyone has been talking about in Marshall's. They also had a big rack of Lilly. The VV stuff looked really dumpy on me-and I have so much Lilly I can't justify buying any more. (The sample sale is only 1 1/2 hours from my house!)
Can you imagine Catherine sitting with you like that? It made me laugh just thinking about it. She would just laugh and laugh!
I think I want to be the mom in the picture. She looks like she hasn't a care in the world!
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