Their products are really stylish and practical. I got the momAgenda Kitchen Folio (it only comes in Hot Pink-which is adorable) and the momAgenda Mini Daily in chocolate to carry in my purse.
The pages are organized into sections for each child. Since I only have 2 kids-there are 2 extra spaces for me and hubby. LOVE IT!
I was just looking at these at a store yesterday. I've never spent that much on an agenda book, but it's really tempting. At school orientation & volunteer sign up the other night at my daughter's school I noticed everyone seemed to have one. So even though I tell my daughter to not do things simply because "everyone else is doing it" - this time I may have to eat my words and buy one! lol.
tpg--where have you found these in a store? I would love to page through and see if this will work better than a Planner Pad, whose renewal I have sitting inches away with my credit card. These are WAY cuter and I may have to go with the cool people and order one instead. I love that there's space for each person. We have 4 in our family, too, so I'd get my own space!
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