
100 Things about Me

This is what blogging is all about right?

Here we go:

  1. I have been married for 9 years.
  2. I was 33 when I got married.
  3. We got married in Middlebury, Vermont.
  4. We honeymooned on Martha's Vineyard.
  5. I have two daughters ages 8 and 4.
  6. I had my first child at 34 and my second at 38. Both via C-section.
  7. I made many attempts to have another child. After multiple early miscarriages I gave up.
  8. I'm sad I couldn't have another, but the miscarriages were not debilitating and I am fine.
  9. I love my dogs and cats more then I should. (hence 3 days of scrubbing a carpet to save my cat)
  10. I was born in Jersey City, NJ in a hospital that now looks like a war zone.
  11. I am the oldest of 3 daughters. I'm a year and a half older than my first sister and five years older than my second.
  12. I talk to my youngest sister everyday.
  13. I've always known I wanted to have children.
  14. Like my husband, my dad never had sons, so he played sports with his girls. (And wasn't afraid to plow us into the dirt during a friendly game of touch football.)
  15. I was a Tri-Delt in college.
  16. I didn't like being in a sorority. Not my thing.
  17. I'm not anti-social, but I very much enjoy my "alone time." As a matter of fact, I NEED it.
  18. My husband put together a very nice custom walk-in closet for me. He is very insulted and annoyed that it looks like a bomb went off in there.
  19. I constantly remind him that it's nothing personal.
  20. I am, and always have been drawn to nice things. (Some say it's because I'm a Taurus) I have to fight my desire to buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics and home goods every single day.
  21. I buy lots of gossip magazines.
  22. One of my very close childhood friends died 4 years ago. I think about her everyday.
  23. I used to "party all the time" (Eddie Murphy). From the time I was 15 until I was 30 I went out at least four times a week.
  24. I got it out of my system and now I'm kind of a homebody, although once or twice a year I have a wild night.
  25. Another reason I don't drink much is I can't stand having a hangover, especially with kids.
  26. My husband and I love to go to the movies together, and we have the same taste in movies.
  27. I have an addictive personality.
  28. We belong to an expensive beach club and I feel very guilty every summer day that we don't go.
  29. My oldest daughter saw me smoking a cigarette at a party a few years ago. She won't let me forget it.
  30. My father had an aortal dissection two years ago. He came within a millimeter of dying. It's a miracle that he's alive.
  31. I think I have adult ADD.
  32. I read the O.J. Simpson book (yes I'm a loser). He is guilty as sin and attempts to make Nicole Brown Simpson look like she drove him to it.
  33. Tennis is my only form of exercise. I've vowed for twenty years that I'm going to start running.
  34. I love golf but don't have the time to play.
  35. I live near Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi and see them around town all the time.
  36. After years of blood, sweat and tears, my husband has trained me to be a pretty good housewife. (But there's always room for improvement!)
  37. I sell Southern Living at HOME and Arbonne products. I will never get rich doing this.
  38. If you live near Central New Jersey I want you to have a Southern Living at HOME party with ME as your consultant!!
  39. I'm realizing that 100 things about me is a hell of alot of things.
  40. The first car that I bought for myself was a Volkswagon Golf. I absolutely loved that car.
  41. I played lacrosse and tennis in high school and then switched to cheerleading. (WHY???)
  42. I used to get in trouble all the time in high school. I was voted "Most Likely to Get Caught."
  43. I'm from New Jersey and my husband is from Vermont. We have very different styles of communicating.
  44. My kids are not phased when I yell.
  45. I love candy. Twizzlers, Swedish Fish and Peanut M&Ms are my favorite.
  46. I love pasta and have a very hard time on the South Beach Diet.
  47. I have to urinate immediately after consuming any beverage. This is a nightmare on long car trips.
  48. I have dark circles under my eyes. My daughters inherited them from me.
  49. I like to stay up late and sleep until 9. My kid's also inherited this from me.
  50. I'm usually not thrilled to go to parties, but I always have a good time when I force myself to attend.
  51. I love to blast music in my car when I'm alone.
  52. I love to listen to "Dr. Joy Browne" in my car when I'm alone.
  53. I used to listen to Howard Stern every morning, but can't anymore because I don't have satellite radio.
  54. I used to get sunburns all the time when I was young. Now I have to go to the dermatologist every few months because I had a borderline melanoma.
  55. Now I get spray tanned. They are working on improving the formula so it doesn't look so orange.
  56. I was raised Catholic, but now go to an Episcopal church because my husband is Protestant.
  57. I yell at people who speed down my street.
  58. My 25 year high school reunion is next year. I'm going.
  59. I like gardening.
  60. I like to floss my teeth.
  61. I don't pluck my eyebrows enough.
  62. I have to shave my legs everyday.
  63. My fingernails and hair grow really fast.
  64. I like the taste of Slim-Fast. (Chocolate Royale)
  65. I love all my neighbors except the bitch who lives next door.
  66. I am very close with my mother. She moved to Florida last year and I miss her terribly.
  67. I am competitive.
  68. I like going for drives.
  69. I would very much rather be the driver than the passenger.
  70. I try to go look at the ocean once a day.
  71. I'm working on being a better listener.
  72. I like to talk on the phone during the day, not at night.
  73. My favorite ice cream flavor is Rocky Road.
  74. I love sushi, especially tuna.
  75. I went to public schools as do my children.
  76. I'm of Irish-German descent
  77. I wish I could play the piano.
  78. I keep in touch with many of my high school friends and very few of my college friends.
  79. We have a trampoline in our backyard. It's ugly, but the kids love it.
  80. The neighbor that lives behind me illustrates children's books and put my oldest daughter on the cover of one of them
  81. I still do voice-overs a few times a year. Mostly boring corporate stuff.
  82. I have green eyes. My husband and daughters all have brown eyes.
  83. I have never said "use your words" to my children.
  84. I have EZ Pass and I love it.
  85. I live in the NY suburbs. Most people in my town commute into Manhattan.
  86. I love New York City and wish I could go in more often.
  87. My kids and I love to go to bookstores and browse.
  88. As much as I love Dunkin' Donuts, McDonald's, 7-11 and The Gap, I'm really glad my town doesn't have any franchise stores or restaurants.
  89. When people talk too slowly or quietly I get bored.
  90. I curse in front of my children. Yes, I now it's wrong and I'm working on it...STOP JUDGING ME DAMMIT!!! oops :)
  91. My dachshund and cat sleep in bed with us at night. The lab has her own special sleeping chair.
  92. I have lots of little hobbies like needlepoint, making ribbon belts and knitting.
  93. I used to think blogs were stupid. Then I started lurking and "got it." Now I absolutely love having my own blog!
  94. Right now I should be doing housework because we have company coming over. I don't feel like it. What else is new??
  95. I work very hard on giving other people the benefit of the doubt.
  96. I drive a Toyota Sienna mini-van. I used to like it, but now I'm getting sick of it.
  97. I feel very lucky to live in the United States of America.
  98. I want to do more to help those in need.
  99. My youngest goes to kindergarten next year and my husband wants me to get a job.
  100. I count my blessings everyday.


Greens and Pinks said...

Fab list! I've been blogging since 2002 and STILL cannot commit to doing a 100 things list. I am impressed.

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Great list! Now I want to do my own. You're so inspiring! ha ha.
BTW, today is my 1 month blog anniversary, though it feels like I've been blogging a year. Happy Anniversary to me!!

Elizabeth said...

It's STAGGERING how many things we have in commong. :)

jillskict said...

Bruce and Jon Bon. I should just stop reading now. . .I think I would melt of I had to see Jon Bon on a regular basis.

SEO1 said...

Thanks for sharing this on the things about you. We have some similarities on some things here. I'm glad you share what you are.

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Betsey said...

I fell in love with your blog when I read about the Black Eyed Susan party-- and have been obsessively reading it all night. You got married in the town where I went to college. My love has reached new heights. Seriously, though, thanks for the blog-- so, so, so funny!

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