
No Wonder The Beatles Broke Up!

So, if you've been paying attention , you know I rescheduled my daughter's 9th birthday party until Friday. Since she was such a trooper about it I let two of her friends sleep over tonight.

One thing they love to do is "Rock Band." They dress up in miniskirts, pull their hair up, put on makeup and (in theory) ROCK OUT!

The only problem is the band consists of three divas. Everyone wants to be lead singer. wear the cutest jewelry and have complete creative control.

It's rare that they ever put on a show. They spend so much time bickering, negotiating and fighting over every damn detail of the show that it never happens.

Next time they play "Rock Band" I'm going to invite 3 more girls, who can serve as agents for the ladies. Maybe, just maybe, they can negotiate some contracts for these girls so they can forget about the details and focus on the music!!


Anonymous said...

They should each be the lead for a designated time then switch.
Easy for me to say but it's worth a try !

Candace said...

dude, you TOTALLY have to be their lead singer and make them sing back up and play drums!!! You'll kill it.

Karen MEG said...

OMG, that is hilarious!!! Girls, such Divas...

Anonymous said...

lol, I remember being that age and how impossible is was to fathom that someone else should get to be the star for a while. lol. They should play "spice girls" since they were all equals. And extemely over made up and overdressed, what's not to like from a little girl's P.O.V.?

Katie Ryan said...

That is exactly how my kids and their friends maneauver that game, too!

Tara R. said...

Have to tell ya... boys are not much better, they just get over it faster. Long live divas!

Dee Light said...

Girls are so crazy sometimes! It's funny to listen to them work things out.

Fun Blog!

Angela said...

very cute. funny!

Maude Lynn said...

Ah, the good old diva days!

Unknown said...

Too funny! Little divas in the making...

High on Hairspray said...

I have boys. They would just punch, wrestle , or chase each other that would be the end of things. Girls are too funny.

Linda S said...

I always have to break in on the songs they don't know anyway...just to keep the score up...that's why...sounds like a fun time for the girls!

The Mrs. said...

Ahhhh just like the Supremes...everyone wants to be Diana Ross!! Myself included!

Unknown said...

ahhhhhh rock band says it all...thank gawd it;s not boys they are fighting over! when that happens come see me....I'll be your rock(band) swear it!

sltbee69 said...

That is too funny! Also, didn't anyone ever tell you 3's a crowd? I have found that the bickering and fighting gets worse when there are 3. Ultimately, one of the 3 gets ganged up on.

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