
I'm NOT ready for my close-up...

Yesterday morning I was at my sister's house checking the weather and my e-mail. Oh and by the way, I'm OUTING my sister.. She's the one with the haunted house. That's why I stay there-it's my sister! I can't let some stupid ghost keep me away from my sis!

Anyway, while I'm on her computer up pops a message. VIDEO CHAT REQUEST. FROM KRISTIN. Kristin is one of my sister's buddies who I love. She lives in Italy and I never see her anymore, so how could I refuse? I hit accept and up pops the most HEINOUS image of myself on the screen. Really bad overhead lighting, pajamas, no makeup, messy hair, you know the drill. I was thrilled to see Kristin and her new baby, but I was completely mortified at my own appearance. If I ever get a camera on my computer I'm hiring a lighting guy to set up some flattering light. I'm also keeping a ski mask near the computer in case I ever get caught looking less than acceptable when someone wants to chat face to face.

I'm all for these advances in communication and technology, but when it means I have to be camera ready at 8:30 am, I might need to take a pass!


The Mrs. said...

Crap. Now we have to look great for phone calls!!! HA!

MommyTime said...

I totally know what you mean. I can' stand how I look on that thing. Maybe it's a bad lens? Yeah, that's it...a cheap lens...with a better lens, I'd look better... I wonder if I can get that tag line to show up next to my name on Skype, so that any chatty friend would see that before seeing my face? :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Oh, I couldn't agree with you more! I absolutely *hate* seeing myself on camera (and in photos)!

ShannanB said...

lol. Those cameras don't do any one justice!

Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

Well,I guess at least they don't have a smell feature on them!
Maybe try taking a great picture of yourself and rig it to the camera for those occations.

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

I think cameras on PC's are great for keeping in touch long distance but I would definitely not want to see myself! That would make the chat too stressful!

Kim said...

Remember on the Jetsons, Jane Jetson had a mask she put on in the morning so she could take a phone call on the big screen.

Somebody invents that and they're rich!

Suburban prep said...

The ichat is my parent's favorite thing.
They can see their grandkids in China, London, Denver and Miami.
whenever I am on one

Anonymous said...

I am so with you .. a ski mask would always be in arms reach!!

MarĂ­a said...

*lol* I hate photos - there's not webcam here!

Phyl said...

Is there a way to subscribe to your blog?


Phyl said...

wow...so my last comment does not qualify as a clever one...I found the way to subscribe:).


LunaNik said...

Hehehe...funny. Makes you wonder what celebs look like in real life, eh? I mean, good lighting and photoshop can really change someone's appearance.

Anonymous said...

Our version of Skype allows us to choose whether or not we want to use the camera on the computer... it's a tiny little icon at the bottom left of the Skype page that looks like a camera. Maybe your sister has this feature too, but didn't enable it? Just in case you're ever faced with that situation again... you know, like if you have to call Ghostbusters...

BTW did anything else spooky happen?

Traci Anne said...

OMG, seriously. I turn on the iChat and immediately I'm like, crap! Hold on! Let me throw on some more concealer!

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