
I've gone Pink!

I've gone pink to remind you that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There are many things you can do to help support this very worthy cause. Please check out this link:

The most important thing you can do is to give yourself a breast exam. (Or if you want to make it fun have your husband do it!) If you are over 40 have a mammogram every year. I do it. Last year I had a little scare when they discovered microcalcifications in my left breast. (These can indicate abnormal cell activity.) I've gone back for follow ups and everything looks good. If this had been a problem I would have caught it early and the treatment would have been very quick and easy. (Sheryl Crow is an example of someone who had microcalcifications and caught her cancer before it caused any problems.)

A friend of mine just raised $7,000 in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. She discovered she had Stage II breast cancer last year. The following year was hell for her, double mastectomy, radiation, chemo. The good news is, she is in remission! If she hadn't gone in for her mammogram she would be dead now, no doubt.

Please join me in educating yourself about the multiple issues related to Breast Cancer, then take that newfound knowledge and tell someone else what you’ve learned. It could save a life!


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