
Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are!!!

Psst. Hey, you-the one checking out my blog.

I know you're out there! I have Sitemeter!!! I see you've paid me a visit from places like Palatine, Illinois, Cheshire, Connecticut and College Grove, Tennessee.

Why do you visit without saying hello? I know I seem a bit rough around the edges, but if you get to know me I'm a very nice person! Don't be shy..leave a comment!

Hello! Hello!! Are you still there?

Shit! I think I scared her away!!!!


Traci Anne said...


I'm not posting from any of those places, but I am a bit of a lurker :)

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem!! I have a lot readers from Pennsylvania and Florida....and only one regular commenter from that area......hmmmm. I can't complain though. I was a lurker for a very long time before I got the nerve to start a blog and then I started actually leaving comments all over the place! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't count on the lurkers delurking!

The 5 Bickies said...

I'm a lurker and a commenter....Hello! See my post today regarding J. McLaughlin shirt. Is is the same as the one you coveted in a previous post?

Candace said...

go get a delurk button from schmutzie!!

CashmereLibrarian said...

Hi! I've been enjoying your blog, and you've inspired me to start mine up again. If you'd like to visit, it's here: http://glossy-aerie.livejournal.com/

Kimba said...

You crack me up!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Just catching up.. I don't think I'm a lurker if you're listed on my blog reads... but I am wondering if there's such thing as a 'delurk button' like Candace suggested?

Deb said...


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