
I'm playing a little game tonight...

It's called,

"How much Facebook, Twitter, blogging, ice cream eating and Wimbledon watching can a middle aged New Jersey Housewife partake in, before her body and brain turn to mush?"

I've been at it for a few hours, and I'm not done yet. Maybe I can find a way to raise some money for charity whilst I fritter my life away.

Let's see...okay, I've got it.

I'm looking for sponsors. If you would like to donate a dollar for every hour I keep this up, I will donate the money to a worthy cause If I'm going to be a sloth, the least I can do is parlay my laziness into a way to help others.

Let me know if you'd like to help, and I'll let you know where to send your check (preferably made out to CASH!)

Now I'm going to hop back over to Facebook to take another stupid quiz.

Catch y'all later.


Formerly known as Frau said...

I hate those FB quizzes I pop into FB every now and then and its litered with them. Good luck on your fund raising efforts!

Sandra said...

I know you and I are playing the same Wimbledon game. I don't want it to end, but I kinda do. You understand, I know. xoxo
Go Roddick!! ;-)

Jaina said...

Haha, some days that is necessary. I hope you had fun!

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