
Do you think their mom was blogging???

A friend of mine sent to this to me...I swear sometimes when I'm on the computer I half expect to find something like this when I go downstairs!


suchsimplepleasures said...

hilarious!!!! thank god my son doesn't do stuff like that, while i'm busy blogging...he does things like, dump every bin of toys out, all over, takes things out of the fridge...in his defense, he does ask. i just don't pay attention to what he is asking so, i usually respond like "uh huh." "duh, wha..." i'm teaching him the fine art of communication!

Avery Gray said...

Oh, I don't think I'd be able to hold the camera steady if I witnessed this. I'd be about a second away from spontaneous combustion.

Unknown said...

I've seen this pic before and wondered where the heck there parents were while this was going on, blogging would explain it!

Tara R. said...

absolutely speechless... no words, nothing...

WSU Laura said...

That is hilarious, of course it's not at my house so easy for me to say that. When it is quiet I start to worry about what my "little angels" are doing.

Cynthia said...

I would die...How do you even begin to clean this up??? Where do you begin???

Tickled Pink And Green said...

On Thanksgiving day while most of us adults were sitting around the table after eating, just chatting away, my mom asked "Where's the baby?" and it was a case of everyone thinking the other person was watching her. We heard nothing on the first floor, so I raced up to the 2nd floor and sure enough there she was in my make-up drawer that she is so obsessively drawn to, using my eye liner pencil to draw all over her face.
I can't believe she scooted her big bottom all the way up the stairs so fast. Yikes.

My 12 year old was a very well behaved child, but this one is going to drive me insane.

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