
The Face That Rocked My World...

Meet my new son. Buddy. Dog number three. (In addition to our cat and hermit crab.)

I have no idea what came over me. Saturday my daughters and I went to a puppy store to look at pups. The next thing I knew we were sitting with this little Pug in our laps and the girls were begging to bring him home.

I started picturing Christmas morning, frantically opening a bunch of crappy toys that would end up in a Rubbermaid container in the basement when I decided to make an offer. 

"What if this dog was our only Christmas gift Our family gift?" They lit up, cheeks rosy, jumping up and down. Before I know it I was filling out paperwork and writing a check. "What's the matter Mommy? You don't look happy." My oldest daughter implored. "I AM happy!!" I said while my heart pounded in my chest. I was FREAKING out. But the deed was done.

On the car ride home I let my husband know that I already took care of all our Christmas shopping and that there would be a surprise waiting for him at the house. HE...WENT...BALLISTIC. I've never heard anything like it, and I seriously thought he was either going to have a heart attack or find me and strangle me. (Did I mention we already have 2 dogs and a cat?  Yeah I know I did but I thought I'd say it again.) 

Pure primal fear washed over me. I called the store to ask if I could return the dog. My kids screamed and the store refused to take him back. I was royally screwed.

I started calling friends and family members for advice. The typical response was, and I quote, "What the FUCK were you thinking?" I had no answer. I kind of pictured a movie moment where the Dad says "NO DOGS!" but once he sees the puppy his heart melts and he caves in. Then the whole family has a big group hug.  Real life doesn't always work out like a Disney movie.

Once my husband calmed down, he decided to use my impulsiveness and lack of judgment to his advantage. My daughters and I were all required to sign contracts promising everything from cooking dinner 4 times a week, to practicing multiplication tables daily.

He's also bossing us all around. I guess I deserve it.

Bottom line is, I have to kiss ass for the rest of my life.  The good news is, my kids are sooo happy.  But Mom's gonna pay.  BIG TIME.

To be continued...


Jaina said...

But he's oh so cute!

Yellow Beads said...

Oh, I LOVE HIM! I want a dog so bad and hubby keeps saying NO!

Karen said...

So adorable!! But you are just WILD bringing home a pet like that.

Tara R. said...

Cooking and multiplication tables is nothing compared to what I had to promise to do when I got my Pomeranian. You all got off easy. ;)

Buddy is very cute though.

K and/or K said...

He is adorable!!!! I love your spontaneity; this is totally something I would do. Funny to read this today because I am guest blogging on a friend’s blog about simplifying Christmas. You my dear have the answer! :-) Have fun getting up tonight to let the bugger outside.

J said...

Buddy is SO CUTE! If your hubs changes his mind, Buddy can come live with me :)

Katie Ryan said...

Now you have 3 dogs and a cat!!!!!!????
OMG! Y'all better get to cooking and multiplying!

Ned said...

Oh Good someone else is in trouble too! Did you see what I did while the hubby was on a hunting trip?

justme said...

you are either very brave or very crazy !!! but the funny thing is my hubby past that store the one in RB right ? and he started talking about french bull dogs and i could tell he was thinking we should get one. i best NOT go in that store or i am sure i will be leaving with one.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have been able to resist that face either.

This happened with our family but it was my husband that saw the last kitten in the window at 8:30pm. He called out to me not to come near the pet shop window because I wouldn't be able to resist. I went immediately, of course, and he was right because I couldn't leave that kitten alone after all of his brothers and sisters had been chosen.

It helps if you have your husband find the little urchin...he could never complain about Fluffy when he turned out to be a Garfield in training. It was his fault we encountered our Cog (cat who thinks they're a dog).

Good luck and happy groveling from one of your newest follwers!

Anonymous said...

That is my mode of operation also. It's much more effective than asking. You don't get anything that way. lol.... so how's puppy parenting so far?

Anonymous said...

You had to sign a contract to cook FOUR times a week!?!? are you high? and multiplication tables? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE 1,2,3 (SAY IT) APPROACH?? LOL you guys are too funny.

And the dog is freaking cute.

Anonymous said...

Please stick to the fact that Buddy is their early Christmas gift. They can get some small things under the tree but getting a dog is a very big treat and they really need to realize that. He is also a big responsibility they have to be held to their share of the care.

Petunia said...

Ooooh, I'll take him!! We want a puppy!
No way would I have more than one animal, though. Too much work!

Anonymous said...

ahhh....CC, I mean Jill....whoa. Like WHOA. Well, I am hear in the thick of it with ya. New puppy, all responsibility.

jenn said...

Awwwww... he's adorable!

High on Hairspray said...

Damn he's cute!! Sorry you are royally screwed. Is THAT in the contract? Hee Hee!

Unknown said...

Wow. Can I be one of your kids? Smiles.

Mama Wheaton said...

He is cute! He will probably become Dad's dog that's how these things play out. I have 11 puppies at my house, check out the pictures. I have 6 family members all telling me we should keep one. But they seem to forget we have 3 dogs, 2 cats and 2 hamsters. NO AND I MEAN NO!

Unknown said...

OMG! He is so freaking cute! My cousin is an impulse pet finder too. Her husbands reaction is always the same. Yelling, screaming, threatening divorce. The very next day he is madly deeply in love with whatever she she brought home. I am sure it will be the same with him.

What an adorable addition to your zoo!

just ask beth said...

It's been a year now since I LET my girls con me into rescuing a MUT! Found in a ditch, battered with cigarette burns, awful. What kind of mother would I have been if i said "leave her there" No, we took her to the VET $150.00 laters we were parents to 7lb flea infested and battered BUTTERBEAN. It's been over a year now and I LOVE HER!.. Dad kinda likes the Mutt too. This to shall pass...

linda said...

He's so cute!!!!!

Far From Perfect said...

2 too funny.Good luck My Dear.

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

Ok, now that I've seen the photo...I can't blame you.

Tell hubs to shut it. It's not like he's going to do any of the doggie work, right?

Red said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of being owned by a Pug! : )

He's adorable! Makes me long for the days when Lola was a puppy.

Kate said...

I am so tempted to do the same thing! The only thing keeping me from just buying a dog and dealing with the fall out is the fact that my son is not done potty training...only so much shit I can clean up!

The 5 Bickies said...

Oh my...
Do you think they'll remember their deal on Christmas morning?

We have been looking in to dogs. I'm chicken but know my kids would love it.

Good Luck!

Jaina said...

Oh hey, I was first. That's fun. Anyways, I left you something shiny over on my blog ;)

HeatherPride said...

How could he look at that face and NOT fall in love though?? And, at least he's small? I mean, he's really like half a dog, right?

Kim said...


But I totally can't relate since we are petless and forever shall be.

I'm still laughing at the dogshit on your boots at the mammo story.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

He's so cute I almost don't want to fuss at you for buying a dog from a pet store.

Karen MEG said...

What a sweet face!

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

You didn't! Now some more dog poop to clean up. But he is adorable.

University of Iowa Meg said...

LOL. Well...I think pets are the best.....you can never have too many :) At least that's the philosophy around my family!

♥ Braja said...

Honey, pure and simple: karma. It was meant to be, Buddy and you :) Congratulations

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Awww. With a face like that, how could you resist... Super jealous as I want a little doggy SO BAD but my lifestyle right now isn't the best for one. One day, one day. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

OMG he's adorable, but girl...what were you thinking?! LOL Hopefully your husband will have a memory like mine and soon forget that you should be ass kissing so you can go back to real life;) LOL

Tickled Pink And Green said...


How did i miss this post? I thought I'd been here, but I'm getting mixed up.

Ooooh my hubby said NO to getting a pug puppy (this was 10 years ago) and I kept saying "yes" and he kept saying "no" and then one day I went to a home that had some puppies (saw in the paper) and got one and he came home from work and I said "come upstairs I have a surprise for you" and I had put Winnie (the pug puppy) with all the other stuffed animals on the bed and he came in and there she was and she was adorable. He NEVER complained again. He was in love. Unfortunately Winnie got hit by a car (she jumped our fence -- don't know how) and we have two other pugs....and he's crazy about both.

Anyway, just had to share that story. : )

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