
The answer to yesterday's riddle...

Congratulations to Just Ask Beth. She nailed my riddle EXACTLY.

A "sexual intellectual" is a FUCKING KNOW IT ALL.

Here's the definition according to Urban Dictionary

A person who is clearly a fucking know-it-all. A blend of a smart ass and a douche bag - overall an annoying person that no one can stand.

Many of you came close to the second definition which is:

A person who knows a lot about sex. Not just having it (though that is the best way to learn), but also on a scientific and intellectual level. This person knows about and can discuss sex from a practical point of view.

I loved all your attempts at guessing. What a clever bunch.

If you haven't been over to Urban Dictionary you simply must pay them a visit.

They can teach you some really funny terms, such as Crop Dusting (farting while walking) or fo shizzle my nizzle which expresses agreement with a friend or cohort.

For example..."Would you like a cup of chamomile tea?"

"Fo shizzle my nizzle!!!"

Who says reading Caffeine Court isn't educational?

Probably some "sexual intellectual!"


Mama Wheaton said...

Not sure my guess was close but thanks for the new English lesson!

Unknown said...

Ha, I'm lovin this!!
I left something for you over on my blog.

María said...

That is absolutely genius. I'll be using this phrase a lot from now on.

Maureen said...

That's a riot!

I worked on our garage this weekend. Whew...

Hope your weekend was productive too!

Anonymous said...

you are a goof.

Fo shizzle my nizzle. (who would even think of saying that?) might as well learn ebonics too...;P

Anonymous said...

Do you know what metrosexual is ? ... no fair looking it up

Anonymous said...

Dang it, see what happens when I clean up my language a bit? I missed it by "fucking". lol. ;-)

Dr Zibbs said...

I had the Slang dictionary checked out from the library and it is a addictive.

Meaghan said...

I found you through my sister (just call me sleep deprived) and see you love coffee :) My boyfriend and I started an online coffee shop and we giveaway 1 lb of Gourmet Coffee every Friday....come on by and enter


Sass said...

Wow. I should have known. My dad saw a "bug" once, and I was absolutely convinced it was a brown recluse spider. He said, "No, it's just a sex bug." I was totally confused.

It's just a fucking spider, sass.

Tara R. said...

I didn't even think about looking in the UD... and we have a copy. That's hilarious, and I will be using the term now that I know what it means.

(I finished a second de-clutter project. Thanks for the kick start on that... my family loves you.)

Petunia said...

Hahaha--I've heard of "crop dusting" around the office. That cracks me up!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I love Urban Dictionary. Sexual intellectual is new to me, pretty funny!

♥ Braja said...

i could so incorporate that phrase into my daily routine and no one would blink. Really. If you come over to mine and see where I live and what that looks like, you'd understand... :)

Jaina said...

Lol, too funny

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