
What a lame excuse...

This morning I asked my 4 year old daughter to brush her teeth. I went in the other room to do a few things, when I returned to the bathroom, she was sitting on the edge of the tub, playing her Nintendo DS. Her toothbrush sat untouched.

"Catherine," I said..."Did you brush your teeth?!"

Her reply, "I'm too busy battling a troll."

I guess warriors don't care if they have cavities.


Petite G. said...

I cannot get my 11& 12 year olds to brush their teeth because they figured out that if they lock the door, say they are going to the "bathroom", they can play their video games, wet the toothbrush to make it look like it was used (they're on to me) and even go so far as to suck on the end of the tube of toothpaste. All in the name of pretending to brush their teeth.

Please explain to me why you would want to go through all that trouble when actually brushing their teeth would take less effort and energy?

I'll never understand. But then again, I hated taking showers when I was a kid and would go in fully dressed and just tip my head over to it got wet. Can you say huh?

Unknown said...

Too funny!

Unknown said...

If I didn't know better I would swear that you were talking about my son. :)

MarĂ­a said...


Anonymous said...

That's too funny- my kid is the exact same way...drives me nuts- one morning she asked me to 'keep her game going'- the kicker was that I couldn't wait to drop her off at school so I could play again. Hmph

Karen MEG said...

My son would play DS all day if he could. In fact, when I'm blogging, he does.
BAD me!

GetSmartGal said...

I have brothers that are in their teens and early twenties that have to be reminded to brush their teeth. How they get girlfirends I'll never understand and the gaming thing don't get me started....It's disgraceful!

Jaina said...

Haha, at least she's honest, right? No wonder my mom refuses to buy the boys video games. They only get to play at friends' or cousins' houses. (though I've told her if she ever feels like breaking down...wii is the way to go, definitely)

ShelbyAnne said...

Hey, it made sense to her. That's hilarious though, just the same.

suchsimplepleasures said...

my 4 year old uses the same excuse, well, monsters not trolls. but i started telling him about the sugar bugs and how they like to make holes on unbrushed teeth. he may be having nightmares of sugar bugs but at least we may prevent cavities...i hope!!

Katie Ryan said...

my daughter just stares at herself in the mirror and talks to herself instead of brushing.

Erin said...

I'm so using this. That was a smart answer :) (PS: Just blog-cruising via the Blogging Chicks Blog Roll)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't think that excuse was lame at all! I am impressed she even gave you an excuse. My kids just say "No, I uh...forgot, cuz you didn't remind me" and I could have just told them one minute prior to that, but I guess if I don't tell them every thirty seconds it doesn't count, huh? LOL

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