
My constant quest for self-improvement...

Last month I tried to focus on getting my house organized. I accomplished quite a bit, but I realize that like so many other things, eliminating clutter and keeping things tidy will be a constant battle for me. It always has been and always will be.

Kind of like finances and diet. It's amazing how when you let little things go, it snowballs and BOOM!!! Your house is a mess, you're fat and broke. DAMN!

Here's some other things I'm working on:

My BlackBerry addiction. They don't call it the CrackBerrry for nothin'. I love it so much...too much. I walk around with it all the time and if I don't know where it is I feel a little SHAKY.

I've been taking baby steps to ween myself of this compulsive need to check my CrackBerry every 2 minutes. Now that I'm alerted every time I get a blog comment or some action on Face Book it's hard to keep away.

Here are some of my recent efforts:

I don't sleep with it in my bed anymore. I put it in the bathroom so I am unable to reach over for it every time I see that I have a new message.

When I go to the grocery store or to the post office. I leave it in the car.

This week's goal? To try not to pick it up every time I see the little blinking red light. It's never anything urgent-and it's a total time sucker to pick it up every time another spam message arrives in my in-box.

I'm also trying not taking the bait when someone tries to pick a fight with me, avoiding playing into the psycho head games of the hyper competitive women I encounter at tennis, and cursing less.

Check out this website: Zen Habits

It's a great resource for improving your life with tips on achieving goals, productivity, being organized, motivation, eliminating debt, saving, getting a flat stomach, eating healthy, simplifying, living frugal, parenting, happiness, and successfully implementing good habits.

I'll be writing more about this in coming weeks. This is the time of year when everyone is running in twenty different directions and it helps to stay centered and not let all the craziness get you down.

Maybe if I'm a little more centered I'll curse less. After all, have YOU ever heard the Dalai Lama drop the f-bomb? I think not!!!


justme said...

you just talked me out of a blackberry

Mama Wheaton said...

I don't have a blackberry, but I do have a lot of other distractions going on in my life, so I could use a little bit of centering. Looking forward to your post. Oh yeah I am also crazy, overweight and in debit, my house is cleaner in spots because of you but could still use a major overall.

Debie Napoleon said...

It's funny - I just posted about this right before Thanksgiving...I was forced to withdraw as I gave it back with the end of my job....

It's not easy.

Anonymous said...

I am this way with my laptop. My husband calls it an addiction. I certainly would be bad if I had a BB.

Unknown said...

I just got an iphone and it is soooo nice, but oh so bad.

Kensi said...

Your blackberry lets you know about each comment you get? See, if we were really good friends IRL, I'd help you with your addiction. by. publishing. each. comment. before. the. period. separately. (of course you'd have to know my sense of humor, as that may not be funny to you at all!)

Anonymous said...

i curse way too much. and i hear you on the crackberry. but i am already ahead of you: i charge it in the kitchen overnight which means i don't touch it after 9pm. i'm trying to stay away from laptop and blackberry and focus more on homework, kid, marriage, home, and all that shit. it's hard! let me know how it goes. i too get everything in my blackberry but it's just so much fun!

Yellow Beads said...

I love my laptop so hubby won't get me an iphone!

Anonymous said...

I am a Crackberry addict too...do they have a special place for people like us? :)

Joanne said...

Here I am .. Another Crackberry addict .. We need a support group :)

K and/or K said...

This is a test. Did you reach for it?

GypsiAdventure said...

I'm not addicted to my phone - email and the computer, yep, but then again I spend ALL day in front of it, the phone is just for chatting on for me, but good luck with your addiction. :)

jenn said...

I regretfully passed on the Blackberry this phone upgrade, but I did go for the phone with the full keyboard. Now as addicted to texting as your average 13-yr-old. Absolutely pathetic.

I love that you slept with it! I probably would have, too.

Anonymous said...

I think admitting I have a crackberry addiction is the first step right!? Although I have never slept with it beside my bed, it stays in the kitchen charging overnight. I am always checking for that red blinking light tho, I mean throughout the day! I won't leave it in the car or anywhere if the kids are not with me, I can't be "unavailable" should the school call with a sick one, which btw, has only happened twice ever! And my oldest one is in 7th grade! LOL

Overkill? Yeah, probably!LOL

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

Oh, I could use this. I don't have a crackberry but I have a laptop. Little by little I am trying to wean myself off of it. Today I made myself stay away for 2 hours without checking my emails, blog or facebook account. Let's see how long I can go tomorrow. Looking forward to your contests.

Jan said...

What happened to all that leisure time we were supposed to have? I am busier than ever with text messaging, emailing, blogging, not to mention talking on the phone constantly to my over the road truck driver husband. Drive time used to be my quiet time. No more.

Katie Ryan said...

You're right about the organization thing. Just because I organize everything and clean the house everyday, doesn't mean it stays that way. My kids and husband do not have the strong need for cleanliness as I do. So, unfortunately, I can either spend my whole day cleaning up after them CONTINUOUSLY and fuming about it or just roll with it.
I do the best I can, and then what I can't change I just have to let slide.

Jaina said...

Sounds like a plan to me. I'm trying to be more unplugged these days. I figure I spend about 8 hours a day on the computer at work, I don't need to go home and spend more time plugged in. It's actually stress relieving to turn the phone off and keep the computer powered down.

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