
Tennis Tuesday-Have I Missed Anyone?

I love tennis. (duh) I like playing it, watching it and reading about it. It's just one of those things, kind of like Rocky Road ice cream, or sushi. Some people love them, some don't. There's no explaining it.

Anyway, I know some of you other ladies are tennis fans also, especially Mrs. K and P.

Do you know about any other bloggers who are really into whacking that little yellow ball around and talking about it? (Get your mind out of the gutter!!!)

Oh and in case you haven't figured it out, I'm a little weird. Which is why I think of polls about having sex with George W. Bush and friends. I have a feeling I'm not the only strange person in the blogosphere. Did you guys ever play that stupid game with your friends where you HAD TO make a choice about who you'd "do it" with?

It was so much fun. We'd have some really gross choices, Walter Hudson (the world's fattest man) vs. Herve Villachez (Tattoo from "Fantasy Island. (They're both dead now, so the prospect is REALLY gross!) Sometimes we'd just get silly and you'd have to choose between Captain Stubing or Gopher from "The Love Boat." (I think I watched too much TV.)

Anyway...that's how we'd entertain ourselves. Thank goodness the internet wasn't around back then. We got ourselves into enough trouble with prank phone calling...I can't even imagine what kind of evil deeds we would have done with modern technology.

What does this have to do with tennis? Nothing...unless of course I make you choose between Raphael Nadal and Andy Roddick. Now THERE'S a tough choice!


justme said...

oh i loved playing would you rather game, we played using friends as well, that was always a kick in the pants.

Unknown said...

Hey I just took the kids to the park for a final day of fun before school starts tomorrow and Jake and hit some balls on the tennis court while Olivia played with her polly pockets. She has her priorities after all.... I didn't even remember it was Tennis Tuesday! :)

Katie Ryan said...

I haven't found any blogs that love tennis like we do.

Anonymous said...

My friends and I would play "would you rather?..." all the time at my old job. It totally killed the boredom and got us laughing our butts off. Lots of times we'd have our weirdest customers as choices (professional, yes?) or we'd have disgusting acts or foods as choices also. Lots of laughs. Then we'd all make fun of the one person would choose the unpopular choice. lol.

Anonymous said...

oh man i had a tough match today but won!! 9-7 and 6-2. HA! and I spanked the shit out of the ball.

I know there's sweet pea under QP who loves tennis, and yeah, QP!!

and of course Andy- he's from my neck of the woods so I guess he's more accesible...as if he'd do me!

Anonymous said...

ps- I think I would do the midget- really fat people have a smell I can't tolerate- i used to play that game too....i would snort my drinks out of my nose we'd laugh so hard because of course, we also had to explain why.

Unknown said...

Tattoo, definitely.

Captain Stubing- I'd want to wear the hat.

Andy Roddick. No question.

Anonymous said...

there is a rumor from my Dr's office that i can swing a racket in three weeks. it started last week when it was four weeks. YOu know I am counting down every minute!!!!!!!!!! So, three weeks. swinging a racket, hopefully making contact with a ball!!!! That will be 12 weeks post rotator cuff surgery! Go me!

The 5 Bickies said...

I love me some tennis, just not as much as you do. I don't think I have the intensity and desire to win. Doesn't make me the best tennis player. But I sure do love getting out there to play.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Nadal, no question - smiles!

Jaina said...

I LOVE tennis, though I haven't been out on the courts since before I got mono. I really need to get out and play again.

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