
Let's start with the O.C.

I felt AWFUL today. Sore throat, shivering, stomach "upset", aches, pains, the whole shebang.

It started last night, but I refused to go to bed until after the "Real Housewives Reunion Show" and the newest episode of "The Real Housewives of NYC." I was recording both of them, but had to watch them "live." I was literally lying on the couch forcing myself to keep my eyes open. Duh. I should have gone to bed early.

I spent the day drinking herbal tea and water and took a two hour nap. So I feel much better, not great but well enough to do a little recap of the O.C. reunion.

In a nutshell. Tamra and Vicki are mean bitches. I felt really bad for Lynn. I cannot believe how much they picked on her. I would be mortified to do such a thing, especially on television. Whatever it is that they get out of being on this show, I hope it's worth it to look like an evil witch in front of millions of people. Oh, and how many times this season did these women get WASTED? Pretty unattractive.

No wonder Lynn cried. I can tell she isn't really quick witted, so she had a hard time defending herself. When Jeanna joined in the wolf pack and called her dumb I don't blame her for losing it. Poor girl.

Oh and Vicki, get off your high horse about your parenting skills. Your son is a huge slacker. And what kind of example do you set when you emasculate your husband continually? What a ball buster you are Vicki!!!

Now on to Gretchen. Let's face it. She liked Jeff for his money. She has a cute, bubbly personality and she's gorgeous, but she's a conniver. I do believe the rumors. I think she was having an affair with a car salesman when she was with Jeff. Pretty lame.

In her defense, I'm sure her boyfriend Jeff was no angel. The man had been married quite a few times so I'm guessing he was not exactly a faithful husband. My husband made a funny observation. He said "look at the guy, he's skinny as a skeleton and riddled with cancer, yet he's still horny!" And that's why he kept Gretchen around, in my opinion. Rumor has it that she is now dating Slade. Slade who apparently has a son with brain cancer and isn't paying child support. Hmmm....

Jeanna, I like. I think her new man friend Alan seems like a great guy. I hope she finds a nice man. Her ex was truly an a-hole.

My prediction for next season, IF there is a next season, is that Lynn and Gretchen will be gone. Lynn's story line was pretty boring, and Gretchen got hazed so badly, I doubt she'd put herself through it again. Although some people don't care, as long as they get publicity, it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad.

Coming up...the good stuff!! "The Real Housewives of NYC!" Another fabulous episode last night.

We'll talk about it tomorrow.

P.S. Have you been doing your wattle exercises? I hope so! I did mine today, even though I was really sick. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES FOR A LOOSE WATTLE LADIES!


The wife said...

Vicki and Tamara suffer from the typical Queen Bee syndrome! I was amazed at how Vicki never wanted to admit that she was mean, she's just "honest". Maybe she should take a lesson on tact.

Love the exercise--everytime you have mentioned it I find myself automatically doing it and it just cracks me up!

Feel better soon.

Julia@SometimesLucid said...

Vicki and Tamra SUCK! They have the "I'm just honest, not mean" thing that I hate. Whereas if any one says anything to them, then the other person is a "bitch". I don't blame Don for not filling Vicki's love tank.

I LOVE Jeanna!

Anonymous said...

thank you Jill- if only my partner were the same we would have won today- we lost in a tiebreaker- 7-4 and the second set we lost 6-4 i don't know why if we're down we can't get the fuck up when i play with her...she double faulted TWO entire points...i'm like...for REAL??? and i mean who cares, make it up right? get some great plays at the net or SOMETHING! but emotionally she just gives up and it's just so frustrating to me i just want to give her shaken adult syndrome.

Michelle T said...

Vicki and Tamara should be ashamed for the way they acted. I am really not sure why they continue on with the show. I felt sorry for Lynn as well. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Melissa said...

he commentary on my blog is very similar to yours! I felt terrible for poor Lynne! The other women were so mean to her for no reason!

The whole Gretchen thing confuses me. I'm sure there is some truth to it, but Tamra is so hateful (Vicki too, don't get me started on those two) that I wouldn't be shocked if some things were embellished...

Slade's kid has cancer and he's not paying support? What a jerk!

Lynne definitely won't be back. Gretchen might be if she wants to continue her 15 minutes of fame...

Mama Wheaton said...

I feel like I must be missing out on something huge, but I don't get the channel that the show is on :-(

linda said...

Feel better soon.
Vicki and Tamra acted horribly this season. What a mess.

jenn said...

Feel better, Jill! Besides, a virus is always good for shaving a pound or two off, right?

Jill said...

Totally agree with all your observations. I've always said the reason Jeana seems nicer and seems to be liked by all (except when she doesn't produce for Vicki- duh!) is that Jeana has laready been there / done that. The rest of them are still groveling...

Marilyn *Pink Martinis and Pearls* said...

The OC Wives hold spring auditions. The more dysfunctional your life, the better your chances are of being totally humiliated by the summer taping. BTW, yes Slade does have a young son who is battling a brain tumor and he was just arrested for lack of child support. He also never married his child's mother. Sleaze all the way.

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