
Dirty Laundry

I have been doing my own laundry since 7th grade, which means I have 30 years of experience with the old "wash and fold."  

I've tried all different detergents and folding styles, and FINALLY I have perfected a formula for laundry that looks and smells FANTASTIC.

Since I like you, I'm going to share my that formula with you.  Trust me.  You're going to love this.

Here it is:

Liquid Tide   PLUS    Downy Fabric Softener in the washer

PLUS Bounce Sheets in the dryer


The FlipFold folding tool.

Equals:  Laundry Nirvana

I kid you not when I tell you that this baby is the coolest.  It folds my laundry to perfection.  Just flip, flip, flip and fold!!!  It's only $18.99 and worth every penny.
So there you have it.  

Who knew that reading my blog could change your life?  

Trust me. If you use my formula, your will find sheer happiness and bliss every time you open your dresser drawers.

No need to thank me.  I'm here to help.


Anonymous said...

jill. please don't tell me you use the flip flip flip thing- for reals? i fold my shirts one more time after that (because i stack them standing up with the neck down on the bottom of the drawer) so that i see which shirt to pick and it's quick and easy to pick from. learned it from dickhead.

Anonymous said...

The folding system is interesting, I didn't know those existed, but I have to say, I could never stray from my beloved Gain.

Unknown said...

I'm not going to lie...I for the most part, enjoy doing laundry.

Oddly enough, someone in my house is allergic to at least one of the products in your formula. EXCEPT the flip and fold thing!!!

Julia@SometimesLucid said...

Does that actually work? Do you use it? Really?

WSU Laura said...

I have the flip-fold too and I love it! I got it for my boys to fold their t-shirts and help out with the laundry. We really do use it and our drawers are all nice and straight. Because yes I am anal like that.

MsMVNJ said...

I love my Tide and Downy, but Bounce is actually made from fiberglass and it irritates our skin. We use Mrs Meyers dryer sheets - does that flip fold thing really work?

Tara R. said...

I don't know even with all this fabulous-ness I would ever enjoy laundry. I really like the FlipFold though. I have to look for one.

jenn said...

I'm with you on the detergent & Downey (not the Bounce b/c my kids are allergic to it)...but how on earth does that flippy-foldy thing work??? Details, please!

Dr Zibbs said...

I have these board that are used for folding things when traveling. I've used them for years and they're great. Can't seem to remember the name of them though.

PaperCourt said...

Will that thing make me enjoy folding laundry? If so, I need to get one.

Far From Perfect said...

I am The laundry Queen! I remember when #1D was a cheerleader and her uniform was so white it made the others "Gray" when they were here her. Finally one day a Mom did call- Proud Moment. Yea- I'm a geek!!

Looking into the flip thing. I can't fold a shirt worth a shit!!

Bridget said...

what the...flip flop thingy? I have never heard of this. Must investigate - stat!

Petunia said...

I am with you on the Tide and the Downy! I don't use Bounce because I had heard that the chemicals in it can rust the dryer drum, and if they can do that then what are they doing to our skin? Hmmm...
The flip thing looks very neat!!

Jaina said...

Haha, want to do my laundry for me?

The Mrs. said...

Always though the downy was a waste! You might make me a believer!

Melissa said...

How in the world does that folding board work?

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