
It's hard work being a good person...

As you know, I am dedicating this week to helping my fellow bloggers.

Zibbs and Mrs. K asked for some advice to make their blogs a bit more popular. They certainly came to the right place. As you know, my blog has the POTENTIAL to be huge.

Unfortunately I'm an underachiever, so I average less than 20 comments per post and only have 105 followers. If I wanted to make this blog a sensation this is what I would do.

1. Improve my content. I would put lots of thought into my posts. I would attempt to be deep, funny and thought provoking. Perhaps I would put beautiful photographs that I took myself up, instead of pirating stuff off Google Images.

2. Spend hours each day commenting on other blogs. You've got to give to get. Zibbs. If you want 500 followers by April step it up!!! How many blogs do YOU follow? Try following 1,000!!! The results will be well worth it.

3. Don't worry about your responsibilities or other hobbies. You don't need a job, a clean house or to work out...blog, baby blog...blog until your eyeballs burn and your fingers bleed!! No pain, no gain.

Try these three foolproof steps and I GUARANTEE see a huge spike in your blog traffic within 4 weeks.

Let me know if you need help with anything else. I feel like a better person when I do charity work.


GypsiAdventure said...

Ha...who needs a life when you've got a blog?! :) hahahaha


Dr Zibbs said...

Thanks. I refuse to read any more blogs unless they're really good.

Also, I've commented like a crazy person for months. I guess I'll just have to cross my fingers.

Caffeine Court said...

Zibbs, you're doing all the right things. Your going to be HUGE.

I'm hoping if I work harder, I can get on your blogroll. ;)

missy said...

i am not sure how hard you were trying to be funny....but i thought you were!!!!!

Abbi said...

your so funny! girl, i only have like 49 followers!! your ahead of me!!! keep up the good work!

jenn said...

You're such a giver, Jill! :)

It's so, so easy to get sucked into this world. I was trying to describe it to a non-blogging friend, and all I could come up with was, "It's like having a ton of friends, but without ever having to deal with people!" Win-win!

Coffee with Cathy said...

It all makes sense now! Thanks for the (helpful?) tips -- I only know that I enjoy reading funny and thoughtful blogs such as yours.

Karen MEG said...

You're absolutely right, blogging can become your life. Commenting, while draining, can make a big difference. I'm not getting around as much as I used to, just tired in general, I guess, and I notice that my traffic is about half it was compared to this time last year. Oh well.

Sass said...

You have to know the right people, too. ;)

I have no idea what I mean by that. I need more coffee.

Tammy said...

I enjoyed reading number 3...very funny!

Cid said...

I'm making it my mission to comment on as many other blogs as I can. Do you feel the love?

linda said...

Ha! So funny- I am too lazy to even have a blog, let alone a funny and entertaining one such as yours.

Anonymous said...

What money making venture did your husband set you up with ? Was it adding ads to your blog?

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