
Do I need to do this?

Okay, now it's time for my recap of this week's "Real Housewives of NYC."

I have had some pretty serious attention span issues lately, so it'll be a quickie.

As usual, the chicks of NY don't disappoint.

The show started out with Jill and Bethenny hanging out at Jill's FABULOUS (to use her word) Hamptons house. I've said this before, I have total house envy. Jill, LuAnn, Ramona and Kelly all have the most amazing houses in the Hamptons.

It looks like fun out there. Imagine spending the summer chilling with one of your friends in an amazing beach house. The only drawback for me would be the camera crews following me around. I feel bad for Bethenny. You can see the sadness in her eyes, even though she is so pretty and funny, she seems so alone. Jill's mom Gloria is a crackup. I was touched by the way she reached out to Bethenny. I thought she was sweet. Jill's daughter Ally annoys the crap out of me. She reminds me of the girls I went to college with at Syracuse. So spoiled and whiny!

Okay, on to Simon and Alex. As usual...they grossed me out. That $8,000 shopping trip was a joke. What idiots. Judging from the condition of their home their priorities are whacked. What the hell is with those electric blue loafers? They probably cost $800 and they were FUGLY.

Oh and Simon in his little boner bathing suit. Yuk.

The lunch between Bethenny and Ramona? So staged, but funny. I loved the picture in Cosmo of Ramona pumping iron. CLASSIC.

Kelly. Whatever. She is like a walking Ralph Lauren ad. What did we get from her? Footage of her skipping into a party, telling us how lucky they are that she showed up for 5 minutes and then a shot of her leaping out between the hedges. Did we even need to see that?

On to LuAnn. She is so cold. She's a beautiful, poised woman, but she seems so self involved!

And what a joke it was when she took the mike at the Denim and Diamonds fundraiser and told everyone to pay attention, and then proceeded to gab away. I WILL NOT be purchasing her book on etiquette.

That's my take on the week. What did YOU think??


The wife said...

You are making me laugh! Simon in the banana sling about made me vomit and I love how he brought a pair of trunks with him too--why didn't he just wear those to begin with? No one wants to see his junk! The shopping trip was insanity! $8000 on what?! Makes for the beginning of a very interesting season. I think Jill should let Nae Nae from Atlanta come up for the summer and be her house guest--she can replace Kelly. She'd be a lot more interesting!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

I JUST posted my recap...we were probably working on them at the same time. Too funny.

And I forgot to mention in mine the $8000 spending spree. They just don't seem like they would have that kind of excess spending money, but hey, I guess they do.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Seriously Simon. The blue shoes, and even the pink ones + the speedo = YIKES!

I love Jill's mother. I need someone like that in my life.

Bridget said...

I couldn't have said it ANY better. I agree with you on every point - esp Jill's big beautiful fab red Hampton's house. How lovely is that?!?!?!

The 5 Bickies said...

Simon made me sick...perhaps they should upgrade their futon to a sleep sofa. Who spends that kind of money on clothes yet sits on a futon at our age. What about the blue seersucker shorts suit. Bluck! And his bathing suit. Can't even write about it. Arrogant A**. My Aussie hubby is mortified by the behavior of his fellow country man!

The rest of it, you describe perfectly!

Julia@SometimesLucid said...

Agree 100%. And who are these other "friends" of Bathany's who wouldn't let her stay in their mansion instead of getting her own house. Good for Jill!

Jill said...

Too funny! I also love Jill's house and am liking her more so far this season than last. And don't y'all think Jill looks thinner and more "rested" this season? I think she's had a little face work done and done very well. Her mom is a hoot...and also *hello* facelift! ha! I can't quite put into words what I think about Alex and Simon. It may just be the cameras but they almost seem like two snotty girlfriends talking to each other instead of husband and wife. Countess is rubbing me the wrong way so far and the new girl is *blah*. Happy watching!

Elizabeth said...

I can't even deal with Alex and Simon. Everything they do is so contrived. I mean like seriously. They are probably horrified that the condition of their home last season made it in the show and now their Hamptons home that they feel the need to flaunt their shopping excesses. That's my take anyway.

I love Bethenny though. I think she is hilarious.

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