
T.G.I.M. (Thank God It's Monday!)

I'll bet you've never heard that before! Or, maybe, if you're like me, you think the same thing every week.

For most people Friday is the day they look forward to. When the school bell rings or the whistle blows it signals a two day break from classes, or commuting to work.

For me Friday means the beginning of the toughest 48 hours of the week. Football games, sleepovers, home improvement projects and the constant sound of "Mom, I'm starving!" or "Honey, can you help me in the basement?"

My husband works like a dog all week, so I encourage him to relax on the weekends and go play golf, watch football, or take a hike. (Yes, I do tell him to "take a hike!" Especially when he decides we're going to take on a big project like cleaning out closets or rebuilding the shed.) When Sunday night rolls around, my daughters start getting cranky because they have school the next day. My husband gets stressed about the upcoming week. And me? Well, let's just say I start dreaming about sending the little ones off on their merry way, lunches packed and books in hand.

Not that I don't LOVE my family. They are wonderful. They are also extremely demanding, and I am a huge fan of alone time, I always have been. On the weekends, I don't get any. (Well I do "get some" in that sense of the word, but that's not alone time...if you catch my drift.) Even the bathroom isn't sacred. I've had my husband hand me the phone WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER!!!  WTF?

Monday through Friday I get those golden moments where I can concentrate on whatever task I set out to complete. In the car, I can listen to the news, when I'm home I can pay some bills, unload the dishwasher or dry my hair UNINTERRUPTED! Pure bliss.

At 3:05 it's back to business as usual and I practically run to embrace my daughters as they parade out of school tired from a long day of learning. I appreciate them all the more because I had my productive,focused "me time" earlier in the day.

T.G.I.F.? Maybe for you. Monday is MY fun day.


The wife said...

I'm a TGIW--Thank Goodness It's Wednesday lady thanks to MMO! Four whole hours in the middle of the day in my house ALONE! Love it!

jenn said...

I'm right there with you! I just spent a delightful hour at the gym with my BF, followed by makeup shopping. What more could I want?

Plus, now I'm alone in a quiet house until the girls get home. Bliss.

Liza said...

I'm so with you! Some weekends I am SO glad to have an outside job to go back to on Mondays ;)

Sass said...

I loooooooves me some Mondays.

The ONLY downside I can see is the pile of laundry that I neglected over the weekend. ;-)

scargosun said...

I don't have kids and everynow and then I feel the TGIM hitting. During the week I don't feel as guilty about not doing a load or laundry or emptying the dishwasher. On the weekend I fell like to SHOULD be more productive in the home when all I want to do sometimes is take a big nap.

??? said...

I love Fridays b/c that means I don't have to drive Lauren to school. I love Mondays b/c she goes to school and I can enjoy ME time too!!!

Tammy said...

So true...weekends are often busy. The only me time I get is in the car...Thank goodness for a 25 minute drive.

Katie Ryan said...

Gawd! After the weekend I've had, today feels like a freakin' vacation!

Anonymous said...

I used to embrace Mondays, too. But now I am working and have a newfound love for Saturday and Sunday which were not too special before.

University of Iowa Meg said...

I don't know how people become parents....I just don't think I'd have it in me!! Kudos to you.

Anonymous said...

I've done the TGIF and the TGIM thing, but now I just do the TGIAT (Thank God Its Alone Time) because I just take it whenever I can get it. I don't have kids, but my house is hardly ever alone. Most times that I'm here there is at least one other person with me...talking to me...talking on the phone...talking to dog...talk talk talk! We should have been born with a button to turn our ears off anything we didn't want to hear noise or constant yapping.

just ask beth said...

AMEN! I am always exhausted on Mondays because of my take me here can I go there weekends!! Too true, I like Wednesdays when my girls go to CCD and I play Tennis if I am scheduled or drink 2,3,4 beers with hubby at the local pub!

LYDIA said...

So I know this is off topic from your post, but I wanted to say that I agree with who you are giving your political support to. Let's just say that I have read a few too many posts in support of his opponent - it was a nice change! (I read your in-depth opinion on your other blog)

Maureen said...

TGIS - Saturday morning means the husband is getting the kids and I can sleep in (for an hour!), but I'll take what I can get.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to be you next year.

Debie Napoleon said...

OMG - I most certainly agree. I cannot live without my alone time. Sometimes when my hubby has to work late, i encourage the boy to go to a friends and hang out so I can be alone for just another hour.

KK said...

I couldn't have said it better!

Dr Zibbs said...

Hmmmm. Trying to find out my identity on other blogs like Lydia's hmmm? Hmmm?

Anonymous said...

Sunday night USED TO BE my Friday night - then my husband got a job where he works from home four days a week. I love my husband, but I sure do miss my alone days.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I love Mondays. I've had the whole weekend with J & the kids, I'm well rested and don't have to work until 11pm. It's my ME day.

Jaina said...

So instead of having a case of the Mondays, you would have a case of the Fridays?

Anonymous said...

i would have to agree with that..that's why i stopped babysitting. not only did i not have my "me" time, but i was stuck at home all day with someone elses kids. i know i'm horrible but, no thank you!!

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

OH YEAH! I hear ya!

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