
All alone with no one to talk to...too much caffeine, and my mind is racing...TIME TO BLOG!!!

I know what you're thinking, "Get a job!" My answer to that, "I do have a job! I'm a stay at home mom! Please don't insult me!!!"

Anyway, I've got some stuff on my mind.

A couple of days back I posted about private blogs.

I want to clarify, that I am not offended by not receiving an invitation into some of these blogs, I'm just really curious about the whole "by invitation only" thing.

I've talked about this before, but sometimes there are funny personal things I want to blog about. Sometimes I'm mad as hell and I want to write about it.

Unfortunately, if I let loose I might offend people I know who read my blog, and I REALLY don't feel like dealing with that.

I've already ended up in the dog house with some of my posts. (Remember my posting on anal bleach? Yowsa...that really set my family off!)

I have some pretty wacky neighbors that I would love to write about. Some complete head cases I play tennis with. The list is endless.

What scares me is the fact that one of the ways I got into blogging is my sister's husband's ex-wife's husband has a blog. (Did you follow that?)

We found out about it, and we lurked on it all the time, and TOTALLY made fun of him. (He's an adulterer, so he deserves it.) You never know who is reading your blog SECRETLY!!

Anyway, bottom line is we bloggers have to ask ourselves, is it worth it to write whatever comes to mind, and pay the price in our personal lives?

Am I motivated enough to start a new blog, where I let it all hang out? I have some really strong opinions on lots of subjects, some of which I think you would find entertaining!

Or...do I stick with the current program and write only about subjects that won't get me into trouble?

One more question. Do I have the time to start a new private blog where I "let it all hang out?" (The answer to that is a definite NO...but I might just do it anyway.)

Decisions. decisions. Okay, enough of this irrelevant chatter.

I'm all alone here, and I need to find the discipline and motivation to straighten up and clean this entire house before my husband comes home from work. Otherwise you will be reading my posts about my divorce proceedings...CARRY ON!

Coming up: Tennis Tuesday, where I take a chance and tell you about some complete b-yotches at my tennis club. Of course I won't be able to tell you EVERYTHING, because if any of those girls are lurking here, I could end up in some BIG trouble!!!

Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

ok first off- why does your family know your blog addy? i think people go private just because someone finds out and don't have time to send invites- i did that once. i had a blog with over 100,000 hits a year which to me, was pretty awesome and then had to close it up because an ex would not stop 'snooping' on me and it just bothered me to no end- 'cause I'm immature like that and like to have the last word even if i have to bite my nose off to spite my face.

Anyhoo, had my first team practice today- and OH BOY!

scargosun said...

I think that if I was to write something that someone might see that I cared about and it would hurt them...I'd not do it publically. Maybe I'd even write it and then not publish it. You know? I haven't gotten to that point yet. I would LOVE to blog about the guys I work for sometimes because they can be royal pains but...so far I haven't felt the need.

Anonymous said...

You could always switch to wordpress. I think you can lock up individual posts and only those with passwords can read it. I've thought about switching over there just for that reason alone. BUT, unless you self-host (ie pay for your own web hosting) you can't design your website as nice as blogger lets you.

Unknown said...

I have had to delete one post because it offended my bestie-her feelings were hurt blah blah blah-so I did then I was offended-this is MY space-you have to take a lot of the things i type with a sense of humor she couldnt-I vowed to never let anyone who may possibly stumble upon my blog OR that knows I have a blog dictate what or how i write(which at this point is dribble) I do try and take care to not purposely hurt someone but this is MY ONLY creative outlet....

I know I know 'get a life'

The wife said...

I have a post running around in my head now that I haven't written yet for the exact reasons you are talking about!
With that being said, if you go private, I want an invite!!

Scarlet O'Kara said...

There are so many times that I want to rant and rave about the "goings on" in my life, but I cannot.

Tell ya what, let's start a Mommy Blogger Rant & Rave Spot where we can do that to our hearts content, but only a select few can visit. I could vent about my husband, my family, my low-down, no good soon-to-be-ex brother-in-law, and my evil SIL!

Anonymous said...

mrs. k how did you know he was snooping?

The Chic Chauffeur said...

When you decide to let it all hang out, I want an invite!

Bridget said...

I don't really "get" the whole private blog thing but I am not controversial on my blog and it always is in the back of my mind that anyone could be reading this. So maybe I do "get" it, who knows!

Anyway - if you do take the plunge and go private - please, please invite me. I love your blog, totally cracks me up!

Tippy said...

No one in my "real" life knows about my blog (including my hubby!) so I don't really care what I post. However, I don't really rant on my blog about friends/family. I rant about stupid random things instead. ;-)

Katie Ryan said...

I think we all want to go private at one time or another just to let a thing or two hang out and not hold back, but, yet, we don't.
I was really skittish about writing about my neighbors mean kid a few posts back and had to delete those posts. Anyway, I just try to be as honest about what's going on as possible, but I think we all have to hold back a bit.

Tammy said...

I agree with you on wanting to tell all, but can't because you never know about hurting someone's feelings.

Anonymous said...

After I started my blog, I went "undercover" for a bit, but then I wasn't getting any hits, so I got discouraged and told my myspace friends(also my real life friends) and then my blog did take off, (not due to them, but from my blogosphere friends) and so now I am stuck being the real me, knowing that anyone in my real life could be reading. So i sorta screwed myself over, huh? I COULD'VE been anonymous AND not private. While I'd love to be able to bitch and make fun of certain things and people, I am not taking mine private, short of a creepy stalking incident. And hopefully that won't happen. I have thought of starting a new blog (anonymous, not private), on the down low, making it a real bitchfest and going balls out on everyone/thing, but I don't have the time to keep up with 2 blogs now. Something to think about, though.

Jaina said...

I have a private journal on LiveJournal...that hasn't been updated in months. (since I got my blog) The only reason that was friends locked was because of a really creepy random comment I got once. But then I started reading blogs, and I wanted to have a public but anonymous blog. I don't mind if people read my writing, I love the comments. But I haven't given out the address, because if I know my audience in real life, I know I will censor myself. There are a couple people who know that I have one, but know they won't be getting a link. As a general rule, I don't write anything too bad. Maybe that's still censoring myself. As a public blog, people in real life COULD stumble across it. Hence, no completely going off. (but if you knew me IRL you'd know that me actually going off? rarely ever happens...and even then it's mild compared to most people)
So yeah, that's my two cents. I don't give out my blog address to anyone irl, and only 2 people actually know about it.

beach mama said...

I write mostly fluff about my Kid and my pregnancy. And I keep things mostly annonymous. No names or towns. I know that my MIL, SIL, mom, step-mom, friends etc all have my blog. It's mostly b/c I am super BAD at printing out pictures and making phone calls to keep them ALL in the loop, so they can come to my blog and see what I've been up to.

BTW. My first contest is up on my blog! Check it out!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I have a private blog for family, I post pictures and updates on there so the family can see it. The only IRL people who know about my blog, are my DH, BFF, and niece. And then my ex's stalker wife found it. So I do censor myself due to her reading, but not that much really. Screw her!

Momisodes said...

I think a few of my in-laws lurk on my blog :( Even worse, my MOM reads my blog! I toy with the idea of starting a separate blog to vent like you. But time....where is the time????

sltbee69 said...

I only started my blog so I wouldn't look like a stalker commenter. Most of the time though, I just lurk. If you click on my link you'll see I rarely post on it. Yet, I haven't told my family that I have one because on the offshoot that I do want to bitch about them, I can do so safely.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I might consider private if people started giving me a hard time but so far so good. Apparently, there is a little secret (they think) band of people in our town who keep up with my blog. I know all about them and think that it is a HOOT!!! One girl e-mailed my son to tell him that I was blogging about him secretly and she thought that that was unfair and that he deserved to know. He called me laughing so hard that I didn't know what in the world was wrong with him. She was SO serious. What she didn't know is that I called and read him my first ever post (he was double major...Poly Sci and English and an excellent writer)before I hit the publish button. People are so funny!

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