
The Real Me...

I want to put your minds at ease. I am NOT a 500 lb. pervert....

As a matter of fact, I didn't mention it earlier, but I'm in Maryland babysitting my sister's children while she's in St. Lucia with her husband. I can assure you, my sister would not let a 500 lb. perverted man babysit for her kids. (Or a 200 lb one for that matter!)

We're having alot of fun. My parents are here, and my other sister lives a half hour away, so all the cousins get to hang out.

I got my nephew in trouble yesterday, because I went on my Facebook page with my sister to look at his prom pictures and there was a message that my nephew was participating in "Act Sexually Inappropriate Day" or something like that. (My nephew is 17.) It was just a joke, but my sister was livid...(sorry Jake.)

My sister is constantly monitoring her teenaged children's text messages and e-mails. Her kids know that at any moment she could grab their phones, or jump on their computers and see what they're up to. Does it stop them from cursing, or complaining about their parents to their friends...not really, but it does get them into hot water from time to time...my sister is TOUGH...if (and when) her kids step out of line WATCH OUT.

Speaking of teenagers...I finally saw some of the YouTube video of the teenaged girls beating up their "friend." (It was on Greta Van Susteran last night.) That was really disturbing. I felt physically ill watching it.

I am going to cherish these days...while my daughters are 4 and 8, and I know where they are every minute of the day.

I know that the toughest days as a parent are yet to come...

I can see through my sister that the teenage years bring so many challenges and blessings!

The fun of sports, proms, parties and college tours is mixed in with the drama of curfews, gossip, alcohol and student loans. It makes the sleepless nights of nursing and diaper changes look like a walk in the park!

"Small children disturb your sleep, big children, your life."

-Yiddish Proverb

Footnote: If any of you are on Facebook and want to be on my friend's list, e-mail me at jillyou@comcast.net and let me know your name...I only have about 5 Facebook friends right now, and most of them are under the age of 18!


Unknown said...

I teach high school and I am so afraid that my children will turn out like some of my students. I want to keep them locked up in our house forever. But that would make me NUTS.

MarĂ­a said...

That video pissed me off so badly. I hope they all go to PRISON.

Karen MEG said...

I don't think I could stomach that video. I can't believe what some kids are doing now ... I suppose it's better that they be stupid and we find them early on before they wreak more damage on society.

Teenage years scare me too.

Katie Ryan said...

I saw that on TV last night, too. It scares me to death. All I want to do is keep my children safe, and it's times like that when I feel so helpless. The world seems so out of control. I do hope those girls spend time in prison.

Candace said...

I want to be your facebook friend!

Anonymous said...

Hello, found you blog hopping!

I think when children are younger it's more draining on us physically. When they're older it's tougher emotionally.

Still, I love the teen/young adult years. My kids have truly become my friends.

Tickled Pink And Green said...

I watched that on Greta too. Was that the episode where she talked to one of the girl's moms? The one who had been in legal trouble before? Greta was trying to tell her that her daughter needs serious help because she's already been in so much trouble at her young age, and the mother got all defensive and was rude to Greta. Hey MOM! Get mad at the real culprit -- your own thuggish daughter!!

Kate said...

I watched that too & then went & hugged my sleeping 4 year old daughter! I know there are so many theories about why kids turn out like that & we all try to do what we think is best. I was not a horrible teen, but I did my fair share of rebelling....not really looking forward to being on the receiving end. At least I know I made it through & am still very close to my parents!

evel dread said...

good for your sis! It may seem invasive to the kids but, you just have to be that vigilant these days! I agree about the stomach turning about that video...just awful. Those girls wont be so tough sharing a cell with Butch Cassidy.

Unknown said...

I deliberately have not watched it yet....I don't want to acknowledge what some kids AND parents think is acceptable behavior. On the today show one of the kid's parent's were defending their child's actions and pretty much saying the other girl was "asking" for it to happen. THAT just made me sick. It's one thing to "be there" for your kid but to acknowledge that what they did was wrong, than to totally defend them.

Kim said...

I am a total snoop, facebook stalker and email, IM, etc. reader. That's how I know everything that is going on in teenworld. Otherwise....can you say clueless? Cluelessness about your kids is NOT a good state.

Anonymous said...

love the yiddish proverb!

ShelbyAnne said...

Egh! My little sister and I are 4 years apart...and only after a year or so away at college did I realize how hurtful it had been when I told my mom I hated her and she was ruining my life time and time over. So if your girls, at the ripe old age of 13 and knowing-it-all, say that to you, stare back at them and tell them they'll regret it when they're 20. Because they will. But then, you may have said those same awful things to your mom. =)

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